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PASHA Insurance pays great importance to the professional and personal development of its employees. Each new employee completes a training schedule aimed at acquiring the knowledge and skills required in several fields (commercial, technical, administration, communication, general business skills). Employees with new responsibilities or in need of developing additional skills receive appropriate internal or external training.
As an insurance company “PASHA Insurance” takes care of its employees and provides them with medical insurance that covers medical expenses related to hospitalization and work incapability.
Additionally, starting from the first day of employment every employee is insured for professional disability as a result of industrial accidents and professional diseases.
In order to sustain the health of company’s employees and clients, non-smoking policy declared by the management in the Employee Handbook.
Establishment of safe and positive working environment is key to PASHA Insurance. The Company implements physical and technical security, fire safety and other measures that ensure the protection of its clients and employees, their assets and valuables. All security and safety measures are completely compliant to the legal regulations.
PASHA insurance creates environment of transparent and open communication. Employee satisfaction surveys are conducted and results are presented to the team. The company discusses and promotes company’s operation philosophy, mission and values during retreats, meetings, events, etc. to ensure that everyone knows what they’re working for. Having open discussions get people involved and allow them to share their views and perspectives on how to achieve company goals.
PASHA insurance is actively promoting work and life balance in order to ensure well-beingness of employee energy and mood within the organization. Employees are encouraged, either as part of a team or individually, to participate in sports events organized by the company. In order to create a good working atmosphere, PASHA Insurance upholds a tradition of organizing social events on a regular basis such as company parties, team-building activities and cultural events.
Staring from May 2014 Employee Appreciation Day (an entire day devoted to expressing thankfulness to staff) is celebrated every year first Saturday of May to show the gratitude of the company to the employees for their workforce. As a company PASHA Insurance always assesses and supports young generation in all undertakings, consequently company is providing internship programs for undergraduates and graduates.