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Considering safety and comfort of its clients, PASHA Insurance Company is launching a new campaign in celebration of International Women's Day (8 March).
Respectively, from March 1 to March 10, ladies, who will purchase an exclusive auto-insurance product – “PASHA Ladies” will get a coupon worth of 100 AZN as gift. This coupon can be used in many restaurants, electronics stores, supermarkets, clothes and fashion shops, confectionery shops, and beauty salons of our city, Baku.
«PASHA Ladies» product aims to deliver maximum comfort and cover to clients. «PASHA Ladies» customers are provided with «PASHA Ladies» card and are entitled to get discounts on various services and products. Important to mention, the customers of this particular product can also benefit from paying the fee on partly basis.
Feel free to dial Insurance Consultancy Line *7000 (or use the link - https://bit.ly/1X267D0 ) for additional information on the product and included services.
PASHA Insurance has been operating in the insurance market since 2006. As a member of PASHA Holding group of companies, PASHA Insurance offers 36 types of compulsory and voluntary insurance services for both individual and corporate customers. PASHA Insurance is the leader and the biggest insurer of the Azerbaijani insurance market for the amount of share capital (50 million AZN), volume of insurance premiums and compensated insurance claims and other financial and non-financial indicators.
Next news
PASHA Insurance has opened its new representative office in Sheki city.